
n collaboration with our partner universities in 16 countries and regions, we have embarked a variety of international exchange or transfer programs, such as 4+0, 3+1, 2+2 Joint Degree Programs, Visiting Student Programs and Summer/Winter Programs, with mutually recognized credit systems for NJIT students.

Meanwhile, our faculty and students are awarded financial aid every year from the university and other funding sources to carry out research abroad, further expanding their academic scope and international exposure. Via internal and external partnerships, we will intensify our efforts in building an open ecosystem of innovation where resources within and beyond the University converge.

University of Northumbria at Newcastle, U.K.
University of Oulu, Finland
University of Strathclyde, U.K.

Benedictine University, U.S.A.
Dresden International University, Germany
Fachhochschule Stralsund, Germany
Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Krirk University, Thailand
Kyrgyzstan Lazakov State Technical University, Kyrgyzstan
Lincoln University College, Malaysia
Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia
Newcastle University, U.K.
Northern University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
Sehan University, South Korea
The Academy of Fine Arts G.B. Tiepolo Udine, Italy
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
The University of Suwon, South Korea
University of Bridgeport, U.S.A.
University of Canterbury, New Zealand
University of Kent, U.K.
University of Konstanz, Germany
University of Lincoln, U.K.
University of Northumbria at Newcastle, U.K.
University of Oulu, Finland
University of Plymouth, U.K.
University of Strathclyde, U.K.
University of Wales Trinity Saint David, U.K.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, U.S.A.
Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Widener University, U.S.A.
Woosong University, South Korea

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, U.S.A.
Linnaeus University, Sweden
Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand
Teesside University, U.K.
University of Cambridge, U.K.

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